Reaching Human Potential
Through Endurance

“If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain how he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be.”
–Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Enhanced Performance Coaching

  • Coach Chris Hauth

    One-on-one coaching, challenging you to confront your current beliefs and mindsets, communicate vulnerably, and explore your human potential by facing the challenges of ultra-endurance endeavors.

    See more below.

  • Coach David Hettena

    One-on-one coaching, guiding you through the challenges of discovering your ultra-endurance potential, via detailed attention to programming, technique, strength, logistical planning, injury prevention, and rest, leading to ultra-endurance breakthroughs.

    See more below.

Aim At Something

Human beings are most happy when they’re making progress. Standing still leaves us rather unhappy.

Find something to aim at; something that fulfills you, gets you excited, makes you curious. If there’s a string to pull there, that’s the direction to head in.

Endurance coaching should be a transformative experience for you as an athlete and as a person. It can change the trajectory of your life and your relationships. Be certain you have the right coach along for the journey, to inject meaning and purpose into your training, thereby allowing your desired outcome to be a human experience, not just an athletic one.  

Coach Chris Hauth

Coaching with Chris is more than a training plan.  

You will not find all the answers to your success in a training plan, just like you don’t achieve your success in life in the curriculum of an advanced degree college course.  Coaching is the art of integrating the concepts of training into the daily life of the athlete in order to achieve future desired outcomes. This is different for every athlete.  Therefore, the coaching that Chris provides is highly individual, is focused on personal growth and overcoming adversity.  In that adversity, self-discovery happens, and endurance outcomes ultimately become a by-product of who the athlete has become.  Building on a foundation of outstanding fitness, Chris can focus on the key drivers of the athlete’s success.  Once this outstanding foundation has been achieved, many of the attributes and behaviors necessary for improved performance have displayed themselves.  

This is when the real work begins.  

What we will do together:  

  • Determine the desired outcome (goal setting and expectation setting) 

  • Build a basic foundation of outstanding fitness

  • Event Planning and Strategy discussion

  • Whole Athlete evaluation: Nutritional Consult along with Strength Training Foundation

  • 100% individual training plan based on athlete input and communication along with training insights

  • Mindset Coaching based on training behaviors, insights and attributes

  • Requires a 6-month commitment

Looking for pure Mindset Coaching, or a one-time Athlete Consult?

Coach David Hettena

Coaching with David is learning how to coach yourself.  

David will not provide accountability or motivation; he will help you find it for yourself. While he could tell you exactly what to do to reach your athletic goals, he will not rob you of your opportunity to learn, understand, and master your process yourself.
David doesn’t just want you running or pedaling, but eventually wants you feeling and freely adjusting every piece of your technique in an effortless and real-time feedback loop of awareness and execution. David doesn’t just want you to understand what a certain heart rate on your watch means to your training, but to learn to intuit any heart rate without technology, to enjoy knowing how it impacts your development and fits into the bigger picture of your growth. David doesn’t just want you doing a prescribed strength or mobility exercise; he eventually wants you feeling its effects, recognizing in what ways it is preparing you for your upcoming efforts, and modifying it yourself on the fly to make it more useful to your specific needs.
David wants you to one day find yourself fully immersed in the experience of an event, intuiting and calibrating your optimal effort levels to any given situation, executing with patient discipline so that you might accomplish for yourself a finish most aligned with the broader vision of who you want to be as a person. David doesn’t want you to be the toughest or hardest-working athlete; he wants you to be the most self-aware, the most courageous. All of this naturally takes time, attention, trial and error.
Are you ready to begin?

“Let’s walk side-by-side on the path to self-mastery.” -David Hettena

What’s Included:

  • Season planning and goal-setting guidance

  • Customized, progressive training schedule

  • Specific race or event selection and planning support

  • Detailed Nutritional Consult

  • TrainingPeaks subscription

  • Unlimited program adjustments and communication

  • Mindset coaching and writing exercises

  • Requires a 6-month minimum commitment

$395 / Month + $350 Startup

Prefer a One-time Running Consult with David?

One tiny step away from where you are now, one simple action can begin to change the entire direction of your life.